"Swivel Hips" is a band of versatile women, who mix
it up with a splash of funk, jazz latin, R&B, pop, and rock.
Creating a swivelicious cocktail of high energy, toe-tappin',
body bending good time music, "Swivel Hips" crosses
cultural barriers with sassy sounds and infectious vibes!
"Swivel Hips" was born in 1996 by lead guitarist and
vocalist, Dawn Lozefski, and drummer, Deb Piccolo.
Formerly of the group "Nzinga's Daughters", the two
joined in the musical partnership of "Swivel Hips" to
focus on creating original pieces. Dawn, whose
influences include the likes of Ella Fitzgerald and Patti
LaBelle, continues to study in the Jazz/R&B realm. Deb,
who also spent four years with a Hartford-based
alternative rock band "The Reign", maintains a strong
interest in R&B drumming.
Fate and patience brought Deborah Simmons, an
accomplished guitarist/pianist into the group. Director
of music at Manchester Community College, Deborah
enjoyed the diverse sound of "Swivel Hips" and
took on the challenging role of the band's bassist.
Deborah weaves her influence between keyboards
and acoustic bass and also adds a touch of lyrical
poetry to some of the music.
"Swivel Hips" boasts an energetic, funky, and all-together
cool saxophonist in Lori Edwards. With her diversified
and folk influences and many years in the Hartford-based
band "Echo Janes", Lori brings along a multitude of talents,
including singing, songwriting, and rhythm guitar.
While always on a quest to find a permanent, funky, female
bassist, "Swivel Hips" has had a variety of talented people
filling in the position. Currently on bass is the fabulous Jen
Leigh and Jaeme Brennan who also plays some guitar and
persussion to help keep the swivel train rollin'.